Monday, 1 September 2008

New Research Suggests Mobile Advertising Lifts Brand Metrics and Purchase Intent

Dynamic Logic recently announced the aggregate results of mobile branding research studies which compared people exposed to the mobile campaigns to those not exposed, suggesting that mobile advertising can be an effective medium for raising brand metrics throughout the purchase funnel.

An average increase of +23.9 percentage points in Mobile Ad Awareness shows that these campaigns generally cut through and grab users' attention. Average increases in Brand Favourability and Purchase Intent of +5.4 and +4.7 percentage points, respectively, support the ability of mobile advertising to change consumers' attitudes towards a brand and to drive intent to purchase.

Mobile Advertising Impact on Brand Metrics:

Significant Metric Positive Impact (Delta % of respondents)
Mobile ad awareness 23.9%
Message association 12.2
Aided brand awareness 6.9
Brand favourability 5.4
Purchase intent 4.7

Source: Dynamic Logic AdIndex, July 2008 (Delta is % of respondents positively impacted by mobile ad exposure. Initial study considered small sample size)
N.B.: These findings are based on 21 mobile ad campaigns across a variety of industries. (Alcohol, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, CPG, Entertainment, Financial Services, Retail, Telecomm, Travel) The averages could significantly change as the number of campaigns increases, so any comparison made to them is directional.

The report posits that part of the reason for these positive increases may be a result of the newness of the medium. People may be intrigued and pay more attention to the advertising on their mobile phone since it is presented on a smaller screen and is located in a less cluttered environment compared to the Internet.

Michelle Eule, Managing Director of Dynamic Logic, says "... As we do more studies, we continue to build these initial averages into a normative database that can be used for a more granular look into the mobile data... (the) same way our... database is used for online performance benchmarking and planning."

Kevin Arrix, Senior Vice President, Digital Sales, MTVN Networks, notes that "These averages clearly demonstrate to marketers that mobile is an increasingly powerful medium for communicating ad messages and engaging with today's consumer... Having initial averages to compare a campaign's performance against can serve as a guideline to what's working and what's not in these early stages of the medium."

For more information, please visit Dynamic Logic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just LOVE research with outcomes that start with "suggest". Just oozes confidence.