Monday 29 September 2008

Microsoft’s Atlas Launches Engagement Mapping and E-ROI

New reporting methodology from Atlas has been launched today. Engagement Mapping, which calculates the value of all online media exposure, allows marketers to uncover deeper marketing insights such as the value of every advertiser to consumer touchpoint, new user behavioural insights across sites and channels, and the more accurate measurement of online conversions.

Atlas identified that Search is frequently given the credit for encouraging the desired user click, as it is often the last action driving a consumer to a particular site, whereas the consumer could have been exposed to several different advertisements in the time leading up to this ultimate action. Engagement Mapping has been created to measure this build-up of exposure and is time-credited to provide more accurate mapping.

In beta since spring 2008, Engagement Mapping and E-ROI are being presented as additional services from Atlas, rather than replacing their existing offering. It is available to all clients at no extra charge, so for more information and a demonstration do get in touch with your local Atlas representative.

- Sam

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